Brooks Boys

Brooks Boys

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last Day of 1st Grade

I can't believe my baby will be in 2nd grade this next school year! This one went by way too fast. I have to give a shout out to his teacher Mrs. Blackmon!! She is a WONDERFUL teacher and friend to us. She has put up with Keller for 2 years now because she had him in pre-k too. He was so excited to have her this year and wanted to know if she would go to 2nd grade with him. How we both wish she would!! I will miss dropping him off at Rusk Primary, but I know he had 3 great years there and made tons of memories.
Keller and Mrs. Blackmon
Me and my little man

Go Eagles!!

Showing of his awards

He also got 2nd place in his class for most AR points!!
(this required LOTS & LOTS & LOTS of reading)

for being a "STAR" and "BURSTING" with knowledge!!

those are starburst on the award!

Cheesy face

Keller and Bailey, don't they look thrilled to be there!

Waiting in line to get his awards

Keller and his friends Taylor and Brayden

All "the boys"
(sorry mrs. blackmon, hope you survived this rowdy bunch!)

Mrs. Blackmon and her darlings!!
Thanks a ton for putting up with them; it truly takes someone special for this job
and i know Keller will miss you next year.

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